US Cell phone Carriers International rates – 2024

Here is a summary that lists US Carriers and International data rates. You can see that the old boys Verizon and AT&T have the worst rates. (Updated 2024)

Verizon – You’ll need to have an Ultimate Unlimited to get a measly data. Most other plans will need a Travel Pass – you pay $10/day get unlimited data or $100 International Monthly Plan: you pay $100 for 20Gb for 30 days – see our Verizon page here.

Tmobile (Sprint) Go5G Next and Go5G Plus get 5Gb of data. Lesser plans Go5g get the same 5Gb of data but only in 11 countries (UK or France is not included in this list of countries!) If you need more than 5GB of data most plans can just buy an add on data package: Pre paid account holder can’t get any data add on packages at all. See our T-Mobile page here.

Google FI has international data on their Unlimited Plus $65/m plan. But run the numbers folks – I have two lines and pay about $33 per month to get 5GB of data on each at about $400 per years vs Google FI’s Unlimited Plus $1320 for two lines – that’s an extra $920 a year, shite! Sure our two lines don’t have unlimited data AND we probably spend $130 on eSIMS that a BIG saving of say $800 a year – almost a nice iPhone per year!

Mint Mobile – they seem to upped their game with there Minternational Plan that included 10GB of data for 10days at $20.

AT&T – You will need to have any Unlimited Plan to add a day pass at $12 per day. Data will be drawn from your domestic plan allowance with the same data and speed restrictions.

Looking at the table below it’s obvious that an eSIM at around $14 / 10GB / week (for all of the EU) is going to be a lot cheeper (especially if you have more than one line) than any US carrier! Get an eSIM here.



Calls Free

Text Free

$10 per day -Per Week $70


International Pass: 5GB

Calls 25c/min or free

Texts Free

Per Week $40 – $30 for 10 days


International Day Pass

Free Calls

Texts Free

$12/ day $60 per week

Google FI

Included in plan

Texts – free

Calls – free

But need $65/ month plan!

Mint Mobile

Minternational Plan – 20Gb

Texts 500

Calls 500 min
